The Strongest of Artists
A Mystery Medium
And One Hour
Oh, and a whole lot of people watching
The Iron Artist
What can YOU make under pressure?
Every year we brainstorm. Every year we try and come up with the most creative, and most challenging of items to be used in the Iron Artist competition.
In the Iron Artist, our esteemed guests of honour are pitted against several other participants from the convention, be they artists, authors, costumers, or just general people. They are brought in unprepared, uninformed, and primed to win.
And once seated, the competitors are given one hour - sixty simple minutes - to come up with a winning piece of art.
The challenge lies in the medium. It is kept as a closely guarded secret until the moment the challenge begins. It can be anything. In the past, we have challenged our mighty artists with materials such as Play-Doh, Crayola crayons on Bristol Board, and Play Mais. The results have been stunning.
In 2013, we are opening up the contest a little bit. We want your suggestions for the medium! Keep in mind that it can't be too messy. But if you have an idea, let us know! Send an email to [email protected] with your suggestions!
The winning suggestion is eligible to get something a little special.